The success of the complex projects depends not only on the management schedule, specifically, the terms schedule, but in most cases, on multiple inputs from many sources for the same project design.
TomTouch concentrates on directing the customers’ advice requests needing our guide for this niche, and combines their ideas, as regards the self-service terminals, into a practical manufactured solution, capable to produce profit.

In the incipient steps of the product development, the customers may feel easily subdued by the market information, te offers from professional designers, external companies specialized in technical projects, software developers and manufacturers of specific components.

They are experts in their profession, but they have not a general view that makes the transition to a functional kiosk.

The TomTouch team offers:

1. Advise and expertise as regards the best existing components combination for the self-service technology, the acceleration of the project cycle and the functional work solutions.

2. The action plan to achieve the most advantageous production cost for each component, offering a substantial support to the project ROI.

3. Verifications of the term when the project is intended to enter the market

4. Simple project, engineering and manufacturing techniques,from a single source, which eliminates the costs with outsourcing.