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- Registry
- Acquisition and investment tracking
- City planning
- Human resources
- Fleet of cars
- Local Public Administration
- Quality management
- Transport permit
- Economic
The mission of CS Vision team as regards the accomplished projects for the public administration is:
“We commit to improve decisively the management and communication in the institution, by combining naturally the most appropriate, recognized, flexible and innovative IT solutions with the main concern of ensuring the most familiar and friendly work environment .”
The main challenges of the solutions for the public administration from Romania included :
- Faster documents receipt with the slightest effort
- Elimination of the redundant collection of information
- Transfer of primary collected documents to the persons charged with the reception thereof
- Continuos control of activities development in the institution
- Auto-generated reports
- Easy completion of needed forms and accomplishment of new forms with less efforts.
- Anybody who is involved in solving the issues of the project of the institution has access to information and documents.
Any solution for the public administration is easily integrated into the existing IT system. In preparing the foregoing solutions we employed international, reliable, stable, verified solutions, and national reference solution as well.
We have mainly built the solutions for the on public administration on a Sharepoint platform, which is integrated with ERP and workflow and process management solutions for covering the widest functionalities range.
Benefits from using CS Vision services for the projects of the public administration are:
- The solutions track the natural flow of the activity in the public institutions from Romania, being easily adapted to law or structural changes.
- For its expertise in the customization, programming and solutions development on Sharepoint platform, CS Vision obtained the certification as Microsoft Gold Partner (Enterprise Content Management and ISV).
- The highest number of implementation of Sharepoint 2003 and 2007 in the Public Administration from Romania, and for the foregoing reason, CS Vision was awarded with first price by the National Association of Computer Experts from the Public Administration in 2008.
- Pre-defined implementation templates, which reduce appreciable the implementation time.
- Quality certified by ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 27001

Registry office
The solution for the Registry sector from the Romanian public institutions is a system that delivers the instruments needed by the personnel from the Registry sector to receive, distribute, store and track the documents.
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Acquisitions and investments control
The tasks of the Acquisition and Investment Control Department imply the management of a great number of documents that are manipulated in compliance with law provisions.
The activity is deployed in conformity with certain procedures needing a specific software solution that allows workflows modelling parallel with to the efficient management of the documents.
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City Planning
The natural workflow of the City Planning Department of the City Halls and the County Councils is exactly reflected by the solution developed by CS Vision experts. Each step of the City Planning Certificate is automatic, from the receipt of requests, until the registration of the certificate with the Registry of issued City Planning Certificates.
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Human Resources
The "Human Resources” application automates all the business processes deployed at the Human Resources Department at the City Hall or the County Council.
This application manages any specific activities, from the job advertisement to each employee’s file, remuneration, and the formalities for ending labour contracts. The application considers both employees type from the public administration, the public servants and the contractual employees.
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Fleet Management
The „Fleet of vehicles” solution for the institutions of the local and central public administration is meant to reduce the costs related to the fleet management. The application is developed on SharePoint, as we have the web-parts already developed for the management of business processes specific to the activity of the cars logistic department.
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The implementation of the management solution in the Registrar’s office of a City Hall optimizes the monitoring and control processes of the department.
Accordingly, the personnel’s activity is more effective through automatic workflows, and any certificate or legal document is issued in legal due terms.
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Local Public Administration
The Local Public Administration Department from any County Council issues Decisions and Orders. The foregoing legal documents are issued to approve the requests, and upon certain condition, a substantiating Report should be annexed thereto.
The prepared management solution aims at decreasing the time interval needed to respond to the requests and better managing the documents.
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Quality Management
The quality department of the City Hall strives to create uniform rules for evaluating and continuously improving public services quality and efficiency. This results in a most efficient resources management, while the delivery of public services is more effective.
More effective procedures can improve the services delivered to people, and the implementation of the ISO 9001:2000 standard improves the quality of such services.
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Transport permits
The activity of issuing transport permits, carried out at the City Hall, needs a specialized application for managing the applications received at the Registry office, and allowing the councilmen and the Head of Department to interact efficiently to issue the permits in due legal terms.
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Economic department (accounting - budget - income)
The solution developed for the Economic Department is built both on the Sharepoint platform and the ERP solutions modules for accounting, budget, income, and expenses management.
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TomTouch is a PRODUCT MADE IN ROMANIA, and this means the shortest delivery time, the lower price and moreover, unique projects responding to the most different requirements.
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